Tokyo Startup Ecosystem Logo

The Tokyo Consortium is a startup ecosystem centered around Tokyo and extending throughout the Tokyo area.

It was established in 2020 to become a platform for creating new connections by leveraging the area's diverse industrial clusters, in line with Tokyo's goal of "establishing its position as a 'Startup Ecosystem Global Hub City'." We will strengthen and develop the startup ecosystem in a multifaceted and multilayered manner, support the social implementation of innovation, and aim to give back to the region and sustainably develop the economy of the Tokyo area.

Main activities

  • Startup growth support and support environment development

    In order to produce startups that represent Japan, we have established two frameworks, "Deep Ecosystem*" and "Green Startup," and provide support for publicly recruiting and selected companies. In addition, in addition to matching members based on member needs (market expansion, demonstration opportunities, business co-creation, financing, deregulation, etc.), we also provide a wide range of support environments, such as providing information on support menus from the metropolitan and national governments. It is working.

  • Co-creation project composition support

    With the participation of players from a variety of industries, we have formed working groups on topics such as globalization promotion, bio/wellness, DX/smart cities, and are exploring thematic projects. At the same time, we strive to understand the needs and seeds of our members, and work on matching members to form co-creation projects that start from encounters.

  • Community building

    We provide networking opportunities among members, such as holding members-only events and open events. We are also working to expand our members-only online platform. We are also focusing on collaborating with other startup ecosystems and communities both domestically and internationally, leveraging our networks to expand support and fostering a diverse and fluid community.

  • Accumulation and dissemination of domestic and international information

    In addition to disseminating information about our activity process and results through events and various owned media, we also collaborate with startup-related policies implemented by metropolitan and national governments, and through networks with domestic and international innovation-related ecosystems, investors, incubators, etc. We are working to accumulate and disseminate information and expand awareness of Tokyo's startups and startup ecosystem.

*“Deep Ecosystem” is a unique initiative of the Tokyo Consortium that selects and intensively supports startups that are expected to grow rapidly in the future, helping them grow into unicorns.  With an eye toward expansion not only domestically but also overseas, we provide a variety of support by leveraging the Tokyo Consortium's network, including domestic and foreign business companies, VCs, and institutional investors.


Number of members: Approximately 900 companies (as of February 2025)
A variety of players are participating, including startups and large companies concentrated in the Tokyo area, as well as economic organizations, financial institutions, investors, startup support organizations, universities, and local governments.
The community is characterized by the participation of approximately 250 large companies and local governments in the Tokyo area. We are creating an environment that can quickly connect to large-scale collaborations and initiatives aimed at resolving regional issues.


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